
This web site is being designed and maintained by KS Graphics which is owned by Karen Yocom P/L 302. I am not making any money from it and what money is generated by classified ads or in the future commercial ads will be used to farther improve this web site. For example I would use the money to get rid of the pop up ads and increase the amount of web space I have for storage.

Just to let all of you know - I went to Harold about putting up flyers around the time clocks telling people about this web site! And he told me I couldn't because they could not endorse anything that would generate money for an employee. Like I told him I am not doing this to make money - I am doing this for the fun and enjoyment it gives me and my fellow employees.

I am always interested in receiving articles, ideas, links, photos, etc. that will enhance these pages. All that I ask is that you keep it clean and decent. I hope that this web site will be an example of the positive things about our workplace and our employer. In fact if you would like to become a reporter for this web site, just email me and we'll talk! I'll even give you some business cards for the Seattle P&DC Web Site that say Reporter.

I will not allow any type of bad mouthing about management or the unions. This web site is for having fun and is designed to be entertaining for all.

For any comments or suggestions just email me at: